“This offtake agreement, and our other initiatives, are continuing examples of us taking clear actions to deliver our strategic goals. We are proud to be a leader in the region and the UK more broadly in industrial decarbonisation.”
Industrial Customers
DON'T Deindustrialise
Our customers include many of the leading industrial companies in the northwest. Many of these businesses will use our hydrogen to decarbonise their operations through ‘fuel switching’. This helps secure these vital industries and jobs and attracts global investment in new growth industries. These ‘hard to abate’ sectors can utilise the geology and policy advantages in the UK to continue to make vital products but in a low carbon sustainable way.
Importantly these customers make vital products but have no opportunity to replace their CO₂ intensive energy sources.
Put simply, these businesses will need to either use low carbon hydrogen and become world leaders or will likely close.
We are enabling the world first low carbon refinery operations, chemicals production and glass manufacturing!
So, we are reimagining energy for industry – the same vital products we need but now without the harmful CO₂.